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Depression is real. Anxiety is real. Mental illness is real. BUT Hope is real. Help is real. Healing is real.

You are going to be fine; you always are. Yes, you will be. Allow yourself a moment to express and display your sadness and discomfort. It will get better, but you need to also be honest and say your spirit is temporarily heavy and not have to hide it. One thing I realized is that everything always ends up working out. Sometimes even better than you can imagine.  Remember this when you feel like you are being challenged the most. Believe in where you are headed. See the bigger picture.  Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage do. It is going to be okay. Just breathe. You are alive and you matter. My prayer is that someone reads this book of Devotions and decides not to give up.

Healed: Delivered, Set Free, & Restored

SKU: 978-1951300050

    Affirm: For personal use. Terms apply.

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